Full size Peaceful Pink or Purple Knot Genie Detangling brush
Tips to make the Knot Genie™
detangling brush experience its best.
Your life is going to get abundantly easier just by using a Knot Genie. Here are some ideas and hair-type specific tricks to make it easier still.
- 1) Conditioner helps. Just like lock lubricant helps a frozen lock, conditioner helps the Knot Genie undo knots and tangles. Condition after washing, and then rub a bit of conditioner between your hands and work through wet hair before brushing.
- 2) Go easy on shampoo. The better the hair's condition, the easier it will be to brush — even with your Knot Genie. So when working with hair that needs to be "washed" every day (like curly hair that can only be brushed wet), use shampoo only every few days and "wash" with conditioner the others.
- 3) Start small go slowly. Hair that is extremely hard to brush (especially long or curly hair) should be sectioned before brushing. Use your fingers to separate a section at a time and then begin brushing against your hand, starting at the ends and working up to the roots. This will let you apply extra untangling pressure to the knots, without pulling the hai
- 4) Dry or wet? Thick, straight or wavy hair will shine beautifully after brushing wet or dry. But don't ever brush curly hair dry with any brush, including the Knot Genie. Unless, of course, you're going for that Bozo look.